My experience in web development |
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![]() | Just a compendium of some of my games where people can play or download them. This very simple and minimalistic single-page website can be downloaded here. | |
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![]() | This portfolio uses PHP and DHTML to work (HTML, CSS and JavaScript). It includes some CSS3 and HTML5 code. In the case your browser doesn't support HTML5 and CSS3, this porfolio will still work. JavaScript is not mandatory either since this web can work without it. Similarly, CSS is not necessary but it is recommended. | |
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![]() | Website for the "Club de Jubilats de la Casa del Mar de Cambrils" (Casa del mar senior club of Cambrils) which I made with my students when I was teaching computers to elderly people. I am proud of them! The available languages are Spanish and Catalan. It includes news, photos, information about courses and other activities, schedule, location and different games. Made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. | |
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![]() | Forum about EDC (everyday carry) items among many other things. Made using MyBB. This forum supports two languages: English and Spanish. | |
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![]() | Forum about wine. Made using SMF. This forum is in Spanish language. | |
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![]() | On-line wholesale shop made using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. Companies can buy there many EDC items, survival tools, camping gear and other related stuff. It started using PrestaShop or Magento or another CMS (I do not remember which one). Later, I used TomatoCart. But from 2015 it uses a personalized engine made from scratch. | |
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![]() | Website for Danton 2007, S.L. which is a construction company. Made together with Yasmina Llaveria del Castillo. It is available in Spanish and Catalan languages. It includes location, contact form, image gallery, forum, links, web counter, etc. Made using PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. | |
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![]() | RCD Espanyol Supporters' Club of Cambrils website. Made together with Yasmina Llaveria del Castillo. It is available in Spanish and Catalan languages. It includes location, subscription form, contact form, activities, images, videos, some games, poll, forum, links, a funny web counter, etc. Made using PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. | |
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![]() | Website for a restaurant chain. Made together with Yasmina Llaveria del Castillo. It is available in Catalan, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish languages. It includes meals, desserts, beverage, menu, photo gallery, location, contact form, forum, etc. Made using PHP, mySQL, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. | |
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![]() | Pack with the websites for some of my games which are hosted in It includes some Opera widgets of some games (for legacy versions of Opera), Google gadget for Buscayasminas game, Windows ports using Server2Go or php-webkit (of La carta más alta, Yasmina's Quest and La villa del seis in both Spanish and Catalan languages), some Drupal modules, many modifications of some games made by others, some links to websites that talk about the games or use them (modified or not) and some more things. | |
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![]() | Online shop for Alba Patchwork company, including back-end control panel to keep it updated and make any change (add languages, include a login system with users, etc). Extremely powerful engine that uses 51 tables of a mySQL database. Even though it only uses one language (Spanish) so far, the engine is ready to support many languages at the same time. Developed using PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript (including AJAX). The engine will detect automatically if the browser supports and has enabled JavaScript before using it. Otherwise, the page will still work but without using JavaScript at all. The page will work even without CSS support! So very old browsers will be happy about that. This web can also be used in text based web browsers such as Links and Lynx. The package included contains many different versions of the website as well as a news bulletin prototype and a pamphlet (brochure) experiment. You can visit current version at | |
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![]() | Website for a head shop and smart shop. It included order form, contact form, forum, chat, guestbook, mailing list subscription form, etc. The package also includes a catalog, a promotional CD and some other things. Made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. | |
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![]() | Webzine which I started in 1998 (third and last official issue was released in 1999), creating it with HTML and a little bit of JavaScript. It was hosted on EmuM@nia ( which was one of the most famous Spanish emulation web sites before it disappeared in 2002. It had different contributors (DaTaR, Erterks, ARROW, [Lolo], CHIP, Scumnok, [[[ALX]]]...) who wrote some sections and/or helped in some way. Only three issues where released (all using Spanish as the main language). The fourth issue, which I was doing until 2000 or 2001 (I cannot remember), was never neither finished nor released but the last version I could found is included in this package. First three issues contained sections about software, emulation (including another older e-zine called Emu Mania by DaTaR), games, pastimes, programming (with a C course), hacking and cracking, music, web design course (by Erterks), contests (games contest, animations contest, images contest, music contests, homepages contest), a puzzle story (collaborative fiction) made by different contributors which was updated in every issue, news, interviews, links, chat, guestbook, etc. The fourth version was going to contain many more things, as for example sections about IRC, ICQ, body piercing and tattoos, Pokémon, humour, patchwork, Star Wars, Macintosh, Amiga, overclocking, abandonware, retrocomputing, retrogaming (with an article by Scumnok), parapsychology, ASCII art, poems, sayings and proverbs, TV and radio, infographics, 3D, ecology, drugs, rankings, art gallery, point-and-click adventures, interactive fiction, game mods and maps, gastronomy and recipes, mobile phones and GSM, Visual Basic course (by CHIP), JavaScript course (by [Lolo]), Java applets development, underground culture and many many more. This package also contains installers and launchers (one of them was made by CHIP) and different versions of the official website where people could download this webzine.
Found on Internet Archive (
It can also be found on GitHub: | |
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![]() | Some websites and projects that I made from 1997 to 2007. This package includes: Del pam al metre (1997): web prototype for the maths subject at my old school. Honor Software (1998): website about a software development team I tried to organize recruiting people. It includes a simple executable program with the instructions to join in. EmuPlayers (1998): website prototype about emulation. EmuSpirit (1999): website prototype about emulation. I think some files are lost. Illusion Narcoz (1999): website prototype about emulation, Monkey Island, music, software, etc. EmuCorps (1999-2000): website of a club against emulating new systems which still were being commercialized because otherwise big companies as Nintendo or Sony could fight against emulation world since their would lose benefits (in that time, they were not happy with UltraHLE and Bleem! emulators). It includes many banners that affiliates could use. La web del canal #designers (2001): a web site for an IRC channel. EmuHeart (2001): website prototype about emulation that included a form so that the subscribers could receive news by SMS. Many files are lost. Semillistas (2002): website prototype for people who wanted to buy or sell seeds. jalbam's studio (2002): website prototype to find clients who wanted to have a website made by me. Discoteca Digital (2002): website prototype for a discothèque (nightclub) where I used to go to dance with my friends. Ordenadores antiguos (2004): website prototype I made to sell old hardware and software. El tratamiento del hachís website (2004-2006): a website to let people download the book about hashish I was writing (I do not take drugs!). Restaurant bar Cal Bessó (2005): a website prototype for a bar-restaurant. Made with Yasmina Llaveria del Castillo. Menú (2006): simple JavaScript experiment to create an interactive menu by manipulating the DOM. It worked with both keyboard and mouse. TRESiTRES (I DO SITE) works and tasks (2007): many lists with the tasks and works I did during an internship in a website company. Some technologies I used involved HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XHR (AJAX), ASP, PHP, ODBC (Access), mySQL, Flash, ActionScript, etc. It also includes some of the works I did, as for example a content generator or an AJAX chat with PHP and mySQL. | |
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![]() | My previous home pages and my first HTML works. It contains: HTML_first folder (1996 to 1998 or 2001): HTML exercises from 1996 and some other works that I forgot why and when I made them (including a Microsoft FrontPage practice). La isla de JAM (1997) / The world of JAM (1997 to 1998): two different versions of my homepage. First version used HTML only and second version also used JavaScript (sometimes referred to as LiveScript which was its first name) and some Java applets. It included information about me, chat, guestbook, a magazine I wanted to write called TBH Magazine (The Black Hack Magazine), a search function using different search engines, some of my own software (including games), mIRC scripts, official page of the #menos_de_15 IRC channel (on the IRC Hispano server) which included a magazine project about it among other things, jokes, links and many more things. A-Kristo's Homepage (2001): simple HTML page to download some of my programs and scripts with a few links and not too much more. La Página de Joan Alba Maldonado (2005 to 2007): my homepage to access to my programs, games, websites, etc. It used HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. | |