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Joan Alba Maldonado's portfolio

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Joan Alba Maldonado
40 years old

Software developer & Teacher
A pioneer in JavaScript game development

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Something about my apps

I have studied, learnt and used many programming languages since I am 11 years old. But before, when I was 9, I had already learnt how to create batch scripts (.bat).

Some of the technologies and languages I have had experience with are batch scripts (.bat), QBasic, Visual Basic, x86 ASM, C, C++, C# (.NET), Java, JSP, PHP, JavaScript and so on.

Below you can find some of my apps.


CrossBrowdy is a free and open-source JavaScript framework that allows to create multimedia apps, emulators, game engines and games that will be compatible with any device.

Any software developed with CrossBrowdy should be able to be used in any JavaScript compatible web client (including browser plug-in, add-on, extension, app...) which supports "document.getElementById".

This framework allows any developer to manage easier many different things, such as audio (with Flash fallback, audio pool, etc.), canvas (with DHTML, VML, Flash or Silverlight fallbacks), screen, mouse, keyboard, gamepads, sockets (including PHP proxy fallback), XHR / AJAX (with PHP proxy for cross-domain requests), device sensors (compass / magnetometer, gyroscope, accelerometer, light sensor, proximity sensor...) and many more.

It also includes many basic DOM element manipulations, fallbacks and polyfills as well as integration with Apache Cordova (including PhoneGap, Ionic...), desktop apps (PWA, UWP, NW.js, Atom...), video game consoles, TV sets, smart watches and so on.

CrossBrowdy focuses on cross-browser (including legacy browsers) and cross-platform compatibility. The main target is to allow any app to run in any web client with or without HTML5 compatibility.

SockJS test server on NW.js
Last version: no version - 29th July 2016 (approximately)
SockJS test server on NW.js

Just a simple SockJS server running on Node.js but using NW.js (formerly node-webkit) to provide a simple visual interface for testing purposes.

It comes with a self-extracting single-file binary for Windows 32-bit (using 7zip's SFX) that runs on Windows XP and higher (generated with Web2Executable) but also includes the source code so it can be ported to other platforms supported by NW.js easily.

It can also be found on GitHub:

fake_rest_server - REST server in PHP
Last version: no version - 12th May 2016 (approximately)
fake_rest_server - REST server in PHP

Simple and easy-to-configure REST server made in PHP.

I made it just to create different REST servers very fast for testing purposes.

To add new paths (routes) and methods, the developer just needs to create a new folder structure (folder and subfolders if needed) which represents the route and inside one file per method named [method_desired].php (for example, put.php).

If you do not have a REST client, the server can be tested on any web browser by adding the "debug=1" parameter to the URL as well as the "method" parameter with the method desired (not needed if the method is "GET"), as for example: http://localhost/fake_rest_server/src/index.php/route_1/subroute?method=post&debug=1&username=Joan

It is very easy to extend using PHP language. The code already includes some routes, methods, functions and data (user accounts, etc.) as examples (in the "example" folder) but they can be deleted. The folder "route_1" and all of its content (inside the "src" folder) can also be deleted since it is just an example.

It can also be found on GitHub:

Last version: no version - 13th January 2016 (approximately)

Just a simple test to check how Ember.js framework (MVVM pattern) works.

It just gets the weather from a city given by the user. Uses the RESTful Weather API from OpenWeatherMap.

Apart from Ember.js framework, technologies involved are REST, JSON, Node.js, NPM, Bower, QUnit, PhantomJS, etc.

It can also be found on GitHub (among other projects together):


EASPM123 (Email Anti-Spam 123)
Last version: 1.0 - 10th November 2015 (approximately)
EASPM123 (Email Anti-Spam 123)

An Easy-to-use JavaScript API that protects any email address you want to use in your website from spambots.

It works in any browser with JavaScript support, even old ones (including Internet Explorer 5.0), offers different security options (very configurable) and it is just 2.57 KiB minified. If you want, you can easily configure it to be used with many languages at the same time.

The behaviour can be configured easily through the main (and unique) object the script uses (read the instructions). But if you are lazy, although it would be less safe, you just need to include the .js file in your website and change the class name (or add to the current classes a new one) of the A elements containing the links to the emails (the class name should be "easpm123" by default).

Following the instructions and some guidelines (included inside the package), the email addresses should be human-understandable even when JavaScript is disabled.

If you are tired of being spammed, you should try this little script (with an email address which spambots don't know yet!).

Forbidden to use without keeping the author's name and copyright clauses. Other than that, just use this script freely but never sell it!

It can also be found on GitHub:

Some ASM exercises
Last version: no version - 2009
Some ASM exercises

Some of the exercises involving Extend / ExtendSim (Imagine That Inc.), x86 assembly language and C made for the "Estructura de computadors I / Estructura de computadores I" (Computer architecture I) subject that belonged to "Enginyeria Tècnica d'Informàtica de Gestió / Ingeniería técnica en informática de gestión" (Computer Science Technical Engineering) degree at URV (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) university at Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria in Sescelades campus in Tarragona city (Spain).

Last version: final version - 2008

An app I made when I was doing an internship as a software developer at a company. The internship was part of the study program of "CFGS DAI (Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior en Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Informáticas)" which is a Software development associate degree equivalent (similar to Foundation degree in the UK, Diploma of Higher Education in Scotland or Higher Certificate in the Republic of Ireland) at IES Baix Camp school in Reus city (Spain).

Our company provided hotels with coin operated computers that the clients could use to play games, visit websites, etc. This program showed a real-time ranking that listed the hotels ordered by their number of clients connected and showed animations for any change that could happen.

The server part was made using PHP, Adobe ColdFusion and mySQL. As for the client part, Adobe Flash and ActionScript was used.

DAI - Final project
Last version: final version - 2008
DAI - Final project

Final project for "CFGS DAI (Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior en Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Informáticas)" which is a Software development associate degree equivalent (similar to Foundation degree in the UK, Diploma of Higher Education in Scotland or Higher Certificate in the Republic of Ireland) at IES Baix Camp school in Reus city (Spain). Made together with Ivan Andreu.

It consisted in a complete system for a real estate agency with a back-end (that can be accessed either through an Intranet website or with a standalone software) where they can manage properties, their lessors, clients, contracts, etc. and a website for clients and workers (they will have access to different privileges depending on their account class: vendors, administrators...). It includes all documentation (DOC and PDF), PowerPoint presentation and more.

This work involved HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Java (JSP, Struts), C#, XML, mySQL, UML, etc.

Some software engineering exercises
Last version: no version - 2007 to 2008
Some software engineering exercises

Some of the exercises made for the "Anàlisi i disseny d'aplicacions informàtiques / Análisis y diseño de aplicaciones informáticas" (Program analysis and software design) subject that belonged to "CFGS DAI (Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior en Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Informáticas)" which is a Software development associate degree equivalent (similar to Foundation degree in the UK, Diploma of Higher Education in Scotland or Higher Certificate in the Republic of Ireland) at IES Baix Camp school in Reus city (Spain).

These exercises include works involving Dia, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Visual Basic, UML (ArgoUML), Program (or project) evaluation and review technique (PERT), Gantt charts, Relational models, Entity–Relationship models (ER models), Use cases, Conceptual models, Data flow diagrams (DFD), Software requirements specification (SRS), etc.

Includes a Pong game called ViBaPong with a server to store scores and a chat.

Some Java and JSP exercises
Last version: no version - 2007 to 2008
Some Java and JSP exercises

Some of the exercises made for the "Programació avançada / Programación avanzada" (Advanced programming) subject that belonged to "CFGS DAI (Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior en Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Informáticas)" which is a Software development associate degree equivalent (similar to Foundation degree in the UK, Diploma of Higher Education in Scotland or Higher Certificate in the Republic of Ireland) at IES Baix Camp school in Reus city (Spain).

These Java and JSP exercises include some works with AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit), Swing, mySQL, JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), Jakarta Struts (Apache Struts), servlets, etc. and some early versions of TetrisDAI game (Tetris clone I wrote in Java).

Some C# (.NET) exercises
Last version: no version - 2007 to 2008
Some C# (.NET) exercises

Some of the exercises made for the "Entorns de quarta generació i eines CASE / Entornos de 4ª generación y herramientas CASE" (Fourth-generation programming languages and Computer-aided software engineering tools) subject that belonged to "CFGS DAI (Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior en Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Informáticas)" which is a Software development associate degree equivalent (similar to Foundation degree in the UK, Diploma of Higher Education in Scotland or Higher Certificate in the Republic of Ireland) at IES Baix Camp school in Reus city (Spain).

These C# exercises include some works with mySQL, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, ADO.NET, XML, etc. and a simple Pong game called PongSharp.

Some web exercises
Last version: no version - 2007 to 2008
Some web exercises

Some of the exercises made for the "Disseny i realització de serveis de presentació en entorns gràfics / Diseño y realización de servicios de presentación en entornos gráficos" (Design and development of presentation services in graphical environments) subject that belonged to "CFGS DAI (Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior en Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Informáticas)" which is a Software development associate degree equivalent (similar to Foundation degree in the UK, Diploma of Higher Education in Scotland or Higher Certificate in the Republic of Ireland) at IES Baix Camp school in Reus city (Spain).

These exercises include some works involving HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, mySQL, ADOdb, Fireworks 8, Dreamweaver 8, etc.

Some C exercises
Last version: no version - 2006 to 2007
Some C exercises

Some of the exercises made for the "Programació estructurada i modular / Programación estructurada y modular" (Structured and modular programming) subject that belonged to "CFGS DAI (Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior en Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Informáticas)" which is a Software development associate degree equivalent (similar to Foundation degree in the UK, Diploma of Higher Education in Scotland or Higher Certificate in the Republic of Ireland) at IES Baix Camp school in Reus city (Spain).

Apart from the C exercises it also include some simple text-based games. The IDE used was Bloodshed Dev-C++.

Some SQL exercises
Last version: no version - 2006 to 2007
Some SQL exercises

Some of the exercises made for the "Sistemes gestors de bases de dades relacionals / Sistemas gestores de bases de datos relacionales" (Relational databases management systems) subject that belonged to "CFGS DAI (Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior en Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Informáticas)" which is a Software development associate degree equivalent (similar to Foundation degree in the UK, Diploma of Higher Education in Scotland or Higher Certificate in the Republic of Ireland) at IES Baix Camp school in Reus city (Spain).

It include some Oracle PL/SQL programs.

Some JavaScript exercises
Last version: no version - 2006 (approximately)
Some JavaScript exercises

Some of the exercises made for the course of JavaScript at Instituto Microbits academy in Reus city (Spain).

Some Flash and ActionScript exercises
Last version: no version - 2006 (approximately)
Some Flash and ActionScript exercises

Some of the exercises made for the course of Macromedia Flash MX 2004 and ActionScript at Instituto Microbits academy in Reus city (Spain).

Includes the final project with an animated introduction and a basic pong game called FlashPonk. Made together with Yasmina Llaveria del Castillo.

Online wine shop engine
Last version: no version - 2006 (approximately)
Online wine shop engine

This software belongs to the final exercice for the course at Instituto Microbits academy in Reus city (Spain) in 2006. Made together with Yasmina Llaveria del Castillo.

It is a highly configurable cross-platform and cross-browser online shop to sell wine but can be easily adapted to sell any other product. Uses a mySQL database.

Automatically detects JavaScript support. JavaScript is not needed but it is used in the case it is available (for example, to detect screen resolution so that the PHP engine can know it).

It can also be found on GitHub:

Some PHP exercises
Last version: no version - 2005 to 2006 (approximately)
Some PHP exercises

Some of the exercises made for PHP courses I did at both Aula Mentor (online course of Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte which belongs to Spanish government) in 2005 and at Instituto Microbits academy in Reus city (Spain) in 2006.

The exercises are made using PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and mySQL. They also use ODBC to access to a Microsoft Access database, FPDF to generate PDF files, PHPMailer to send emails, GD Graphics Library to generate graphics and some others.

Online shop engine
Last version: no version - 2005 (approximately)
Online shop engine

Powerful online shop engine highly configurable, cross-platform and cross-browser.

Automatically detects JavaScript support. JavaScript is not needed but it is used it in the case it is available (for example, to detect screen resolution so that the PHP engine can know it).

If the admin wants, a lot of very useful data about the client will be sent to the desired email.

It doesn't use any databases at all but just plain text files that have to be edited to be configured. In the case that someone happens to want to use this shop engine, programming knowledge is not necessary at all. Editing text files and placing product images in a certain folder is enough.

It can also be found on GitHub:

PHP Photoblog
Last version: no version - 2005 (approximately)
PHP Photoblog

Simple and configurable photoblog written in PHP without any safety measures at all.

It can also be found on GitHub:

PHP Guestbook
Last version: no version - 2004 (approximately)
PHP Guestbook

Simple guestbook written in PHP without any safety measures at all.

It can also be found on GitHub:

mIRC Add-ons
Last version: different versions - 1998 to 2001 (approximately)
mIRC Add-ons
Different add-ons using mIRC scripting language (mSL) for mIRC, the most famous IRC client.

mNotify 0.96b (3rd June 2001): improves and enhances the "notify" function. Configurable.

Nickah 0.05 (13th January 2001): configurable nick completion.

PolishKill 1.00b (11th January 2001): lets you configure actions for users who uses some server-assigned names.

FastMSG 0.20b (9th January 2001): reproduces a sound and opens a window with a message that can be sent to you through CTCP. Configurable

AwaYeah 0.25b (19th May 2001): improves and enhances the "away" function with different things including sending an SMS to your phone. Includes FastMSG 0.20b. Needs SmS CoNTRoLeR (with SmS Sender 2.2 by hPm) by |-FaiR-| (not included). Configurable.

aXpect 0.10b (16th December 2001): improves mIRC visual aspect and also reacts to desired words by performing chosen actions. Configurable.

FileInfo 0.25b (29th November 2000): shows and stores information about the computer where it is executed.

mHTML 0.01b (10th December 2001): offline HTML browser for mIRC. Not functional.

MasterPubli 0.05b (24th March 2001): simple add-on to advertise anything you want.

Enteo-Psiquers AddOn 0.10b (17th June 2001): showed news about Enteo-Psiquers on-line shop by using sockets.

Emu (7th August 1998): informative and educative add-on that shows information about emulators. It also sent information about an emulation CD as well as the steps to follow to join a software development team (called Honor Software) which I tried to create.

Distance AddOn 0.05 (8th July 2001): script to remote control someone's computer (it could be considered a trojan if the user did not know what is the script for).

PubliBOT 0.01b/0.001b (21st December 2001): an advertisement bot (spambot) made for mIRC with different options.

It can also be found on GitHub:

Some Borland Turbo C exercises
Last version: no version - 1997 or 1998 to 1999 (approximately)
Some Borland Turbo C exercises

Some of the exercises (I lost most of them!) made for the course of C using Borland Turbo C at Bits academy (known later as Instituto Microbits) in Reus city (Spain).

Easy Colors
Last version: 0.20 Beta Version - 1999 (approximately)
Easy Colors
Simple application that lets you pick a colour and gives you the HEX and DEC codes.

Made with Visual Basic 4.0.

It can also be found on GitHub:

Some Visual Basic 3.0 and 4.0 programs
Last version: no version - 1997 to 1999 (approximately)
Some Visual Basic 3.0 and 4.0 programs

Some applications made with Microsoft Visual Basic 3.0 and 4.0. Some belong to the Visual Basic course at Bits academy (known later as Instituto Microbits) in Reus city (Spain).

Some of the programs included are:

JAM Net Aventura 97 and JAM Net Aventura 97 2 (1997): two programs that just stored different website addresses that could be interesting.

JAM Mega Imagen 97 (1997): simple image viewer and explorer.

ASCII (1999): a simple program to find out the ASCII code for a given character or vice versa.

Domain Description v1.0 (2000): a simple program that just listed the different Internet domain suffixes (top-level domains) and showed their description when you chose one.

JAM Tabla BOOM (1997): a simple educative program for kids to learn the multiplication tables.

It can also be found on GitHub:

Last version: no version - 1997 (approximately)

Simple program that determines whether a number given is prime which I coded as the answer to the question "How to tell a number is a prime number?". Thanks to it our school was selected and we (a group of four students from the same course) were able to participate in the national Mathematical Olympiads of Spain for students.

It can also be found on GitHub:

QBasic and batch
Last version: no version - 1996 (approximately)
QBasic and batch

Some programs and projects made with QBasic under MS-DOS and some batch scripts (.bat). Some belong to the QBasic course at Bits academy (known later as Instituto Microbits) in Reus city (Spain).

It includes some programs and tools (as Joansoft Utilities which helped with basic and daily computer tasks), games, educative software (and educative games) and educative documents (as for example courses), visual and sound effects, experiments/projects and many more.

It can also be found on GitHub:

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